Yana Puma Healing and Educational Center
Yana Puma Reserva
One of the key objectives of Yana Puma Healing and Educational Canter is to preserve the traditonal practice of Amazonian plant medicine, and to share this knowledge with people from across the world who are interested in learning this practice. In order to make this possible, it is critical to protect the native trees and plants used to prepare these medicines. Currently these resources are being rapidly depleted, as medicinal plants are not harvested in a sustainable way, i.e. plants are harvested without being replanted. Also, many of the medicinal trees are being cut for timber, without being replanted. This is reducing the quality and availability of these medicines, and many of these species are headed for extinction if efforts are not made to replant them and produce medcines from them in a sustainable method.
To address this growing problem, the founders of Yana Puma Healing and Educational Center started the Yana Puma Reserva, a private ecological preserve dedicated to preserving the biodiversity of the rainforest ecosystem in the area of the upper Momon River. Previously, there was no type of reserve in the region, and the native forest there is rapidly being destroyed by illegal tree cutting and unsustainable agriculture methods. The reserve was started with the founder's donation of 20 hectars of jungle surrounding the center. Following construction of the center, we started a reforestation project to restore the biodiversity of the jungle, working in conjunction with the Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonia Peruana (IIAP), the government organization responsible for preserving the natural ecosystems of the rainforest. In the year 2017. NGO Rio Momon Conservation Association was founded and Yana Puma Reserva became a headquarters of the NGO, and you can follow our work from 2017. onwards on the web page of NGO http://riomomon.org/
Year 2015. - 1000 different plants planted
In 2015. we have planted more than 600 trees, including many endangered species of medicinal trees, such as Lupuna, Copaiba, Capinuri, Bellaco Caspi, Chuchuhuasi and Ubos, as well as many endangered hardwood species, including Caoba, Huacapu, Remo Caspi, Capirona and Quillosisa.
We have also planted 300 ayahuasca vines - cielo, trueno, arco iris, boa and negra, 50 other various medicinal plants like piñon colorado, retama, bobinsana, ajo sacha, curarina, achiote rojo etc., and 50 fruit trees.
Also we have started construction of an extensive botanical garden for medicinal plants, such as Una de Gato and Jergon Sacha, which can be used to treat a variety of illnesses.
Moreover, we have initiated the process of becoming an officially licensed private reserve, working in conjunction with the Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiemtal (SPDA), the government organization responsible for creating and supervising private nature preserves throughtout Peru.
Year 2016. - introduced new species
In 2016. we introduced two new species to our reforestation efforts, Tornillo, and Andiroba, and planted 100 baby trees.
Both species are highly sought after for their dense, durable wood. Andiroba is also valued as a source of medicine. An oil derived from its seeds is used topically as a salve for muscle aches and inflammation.
We have continued planting different medicinal plants - noni, retama, oje, toé blanco and negro, etc., and ayahuasca vines. Also, we have continued planting fruit trees.
Year 2017. - goal is to plant minimum 500 rare medicinal and hardwood species
This year is set to be a very productive year for Yana Puma Reserve. Starting in February, our reforestation efforts continue, as we begin the planting of many important medicinal and hardwood tree species, including Caoba, Huacapu, Copaiba, and a new species, Quillobordon. This is a rare hardwood species that has been severely overharvested due to its highly durable and valuable wood.
Our goal for this year is to plant a minimum of 500 of these important species.
In March, we will begin contruction of a permanent nursery and seed bank, where we will cultivate dozens of species of endangered medicinal trees, including Sangre de Grado, Chuchuhuasi, Cumaceba, Huacapurana, Shihuahuaco, Tamamuri, Icoja, Azucarhuayo, Aceite Caspi, Lagarto Caspi, Punga, Yacaruna Caspi, Capirona, Remo Caspi, Capinuri, Catahua, Amasisa, Bellaco Caspi, and Chullachaqi Caspi.
This nursery and seed bank will ensure that these threatened species will thrive in our region and other areas where they have become scarce.
We will also be expanding our botanical gardens with the addition of dozens of new species, working in conjunction with our partners at IIAP.
Year 2018 - reforestation project continues
This year, Yana Puma Reserve will continue its reforestation project by planting several hundred trees, including key species such as Lupuna, Tornillo, Caoba and Huacapu. We will also continue with construction of a tree nursery for producing a wide variety of species, including many species of medicinal trees, including Chuchuhuasi, Cumaceba, Huacapurana, Tamamuri, Azucarhuayo and many others. So far we planted 40 Huacapurana, 30 Huacapu, 20 Tahuari, 20 Azucarhuayo and 50 Tornillo trees. This project is done in conjunction with the guidance of IIAP, which will also be conducting a biological survey of the plants and trees of our reserve.
Future Objectives
One of the most important future objective is to expand Yana Puma Reserva to more than 500 hectares, to create more protected habitat for the plants and animals of the ecosystem, particularly the many jaguars which live and reproduce in this particular region of the jungle.
This will involve: clearing and replanting the areas damaged by deforestation; training guards to patrol and protect the reserve; educating children and local people to eliminate poaching of endangered wildlife and illegal lodging; supporting local people to improve their management of natural resources to protect the plants and animals of the reserve; and devoping programs to sustainably produce plant medicines.
In addition to preserving the ecosystem within the reserve, we also seeks to prevent future deforestation by educating local people about the importance of conserving the region's natural resources, and helping them to develop sustainable agriculture projects. To achieve this goal, we are working with members of IIAP to educate the local farmers on sustainable agriculture and assist them in implementing these new projects. By encouraging local farmers to transition from traditional slash and burn farming, which destroys the forest and yields little profit, to growing sustainable and more profitable crops such as Sacha Inchi, Cacao and Camu Camu, the project seeks to prevent further destruction of the rainforest while also raising the standard of living for the local communities.
To achieve the projected expansion of the reserve, we are in the process of fundraising via grants from international conservation organizations, as well as private donations from individual philanthropists. If you are interested in assisting in this important conservation project or donating money, please email Yana Puma Reservada at: yanapumaperu@gmail.com or NGO Rio Momon Conseravtion Association web site http://riomomon.org/