Yana Puma Healing and Educational Center
Dieta is the traditional method by which students learn the plant medicines of the Amazon jungle. This process is undertaken by serious students of the plant medicines who wish to learn more. Dietas usually last ranging from one week up to a month or more.
During the Dieta process, the student stays in isolation for the duration of the study, in order to focus completely on learning the medicinal plants. Participants in the Dieta program stay in an individual housing unit that is located away from the main area of the Center, in order to ensure that they are not distracted. Each day, staff members deliver meals and plant medicines to student.
Prior to starting the Dieta process, each student will have an extensive consultation with resident curandera to determine which plants he or she will be working with, as well as any medical conditions which need to be treated. Every day, the student will meet with one or more of our staff members, who will consult with them on their progress in the healing and educational process.
Here are some of the plants for Dieta:

Lobo Sanango
This plant of the water is one of the strongest plants which can be used in dieta. It is used to defend the spirit and health and to protect against brujeria.

Chiric Sanango
This plant is used to increase the strength of the student's body and spirit.
It is added to Ayahuasca to treat pain and chills.

The Queen of the jungle.
This tree is used to learn how to be a curandero. It is also used to strengthen the spirit and protect against brujeria.

Lupuna Blanca
This tree is one of the largest trees in the jungle. It is used to learn about the propreties of the other medicinal plants and builds up protection.

There are many other teacher plants to diet at Yana Puma Center like:
Chullachaqui Caspi - this tree is is very good in learning curanderismo, expecially to learn icaros - the healing songs of the plants.
Doctor Caspi - this tree has faces on its bark, which represent the spirit inside. It is used in dieta to learn icaros and strengthen visions in training to become a curandero.
Azucar Huayo - assists the student in preparing for chupar, the sucking of illnesses and negative energies
Huayracaspi - this tree is used to make your spirit stronger, also its part of dieta for training to become a curandero. The bark is also used to cure hepatitis.
Huacapurana - this tree is used to learn from the spirits of the water and strengthen the spirit of the student.
Capirona - teaches the student the process of the dieta and strengthens the visions.
Ajo Sacha - this plant cleans body, energies and spirit and it is used to protect the sudent in dieta and prevent anyone from stealing the power of their dieta